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Vacuum pump on the market so much, when the choice need to pay attention to? - - - - - -

by:J&T     2020-07-13

vacuum pump on the market so much, when the choice need to pay attention to? Let's to tell everybody the attention points.

      1. Vacuum pump working pressure should satisfy the limit of vacuum equipment vacuum and work pressure requirements.

, for example, vacuum coating requirements of the vacuum degree is 1 x 10 - 5 MMHG, the vacuum degree of vacuum pump must be selected for at least 5 x 10 - 6mmHg。 Usually will pump vacuum selection for half of the order of magnitude higher than vacuum vacuum equipment.

2。 Correct selection of vacuum pump working point.

each pump has a certain working pressure range, for example: diffusion water pump for 10 - 3 ~ 10 - 7mmHg。 In such a wide range of pressure, the pumping speed of the pump with pressure change, its stable working pressure in the range of 5 x 10 - 4〜5 × 10- 6mmHg。 As a result, the working point of the pump should be within the scope of the choice, and should not be in 10 - 8 MMHG under the environment of work long hours. Another example is the titanium sublimation heat pump can be 10 - 2 MMHG under the pressure of work, but the work pressure should be less than 10 - 20mm 10- 5mmHg。

3。 Vacuum pump should be able to work under pressure in vacuum equipment to clear all the gas produced in the process of vacuum equipment.

4。 The right combination vacuum pump.

due to the vacuum pump with selective pumping function, therefore sometimes a pump cannot meet the pumping requirements, so you need to combine multiple pump to complement each other to meet the pumping requirements. For example, titanium sublimation pump suction of hydrogen velocity is very high, but can't be suction, and three pole sputtering ion pump ( Or the asymmetric between the cathode sputtering ion pump) For argon pumping speed. When used in combination, vacuum unit will have a better vacuum. In addition, some of the vacuum pump can't work under atmospheric pressure, vacuum need. Some vacuum pump outlet pressure below atmospheric pressure, so you need to pump before, so the pump must be grouped together.

5。 The requirement of vacuum equipment in oil.

if strict equipment without oil, should choose a variety of oil pump, such as water ring pump, molecular sieve adsorption pump, sputter ion pump, cryogenic pump, etc. If not strict, you can choose to have a pump, plus some oil pollution measures, such as adding cold trap, baffle, the oil well, etc. , can also meet the requirements of clean vacuum.

6。 To know the pumping gas composition.

the gas does not contain condensable vapor, dust and corrosion resistance. Choosing a vacuum pump, you need to know the gas composition and gas to choose the appropriate pump for pumping. If the gas contained in the steam, particles and corrosive gas, please consider auxiliary equipment installed in the inlet pipe of pump, such as condenser, dust collector, etc.

7。 Vacuum pump oil steam's impact on the environment.

if you don't allow pollution environment, you can choose oil-free vacuum pump or the oil vapor emissions to the outside.

8。 During the running of vacuum pump vibrations has no effect on the process and the environment.

if the process does not allow, please select no vibration of the pump or vibration control measures.

9。 The price of the vacuum pump, operation and maintenance costs. If permission, please try to use cheap and use vacuum pump.

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