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The factory to return to work! Vacuum pump selection? - - - - - -

by:J&T     2020-07-13

most of enterprises are welcome to return to work. Then return to work how to choose the suitable vacuum pump factory to arrange production? Today will give you tell me the selection of the vacuum pump.

1, the vacuum degree necessary for the process

vacuum pump working pressure should meet the requirements of process work pressure, when the choice of the vacuum degree should be higher than the vacuum degree of vacuum equipment to half an order of magnitude. ( For example, vacuum degree of vacuum process requirements for 100 mpa ( Absolute pressure) , the vacuum degree of vacuum pump should be at least 50 mpa - 10 mpa) 。 In general, if demands absolute pressure higher than 3300 mpa, water ring vacuum pump vacuum unit is preferred. If required absolute pressure is less than 3300 mpa, can not choose the water ring vacuum pumps, rotary vane vacuum pumps or higher vacuum degree of vacuum pump as vacuum acquisition device.

2, technology on extraction yield requirements ( Extraction yield)

vacuum pump need pumping rate ( The vacuum pump in its working pressure discharge of gas, liquid and solid) General unit for the m3 / h and L/S, m3 / min. Specific calculation method can refer to the following formula to calculate and choose the type. Of course, the choice of the vacuum water pump is a comprehensive process, involving relevant experience and other factors.

  S=( V / t) ×ln( P1/P2)

type: s for pumping speed of vacuum water pump ( L/s)

v is a vacuum chamber volume ( l)

t is the time needed for the vacuum degree required

(P1 is the initial pressure Palmer)

P2 is the required pressure ( Palmer)

3。 Sure you want to pump the object component

first, pumping of objects is gas, liquid or particles. If you want to pump gas to water vapor, or a small amount of impurities, such as particles and dust, should be carefully selected rotary vane vacuum water pump. If required high vacuum degree, before rotary vane vacuum pump used in vacuum to obtain equipment, should add a filter for filtering.

in the second place, it is necessary to know whether the object pumping corrode ( Acidic or alkaline, acid and alkali value is how much? ) , if gas containing alkali corrosion or organic corrosion factors, it should be filtered or neutralization, to select a rotary vane vacuum pump.

third, by pumping objects by rubber or oil pollution? Should be different pumping medium to choose corresponding vacuum equipment. If the gas contains a lot of steam, particles and corrosive gas, should be considered in the inlet pipe of pump is installed on the corresponding auxiliary equipment, such as condenser and filters ( For details, please contact our corresponding technical engineers) 。

4, vacuum pump noise, vibration and beautiful would affect the factory.

5, as the saying goes, cheap is not good. When buying a vacuum pump and vacuum equipment, but also should give priority to equipment quality, transport costs, repair and maintenance, etc.

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JT is also committed to maintaining excellence, respect, and integrity in all aspects of our operations and our professional and business conduct.
Once we have a good idea of how water pump can satisfy customer’s needs, consider whether we should create a skill for their demands.
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