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The choice of pump material reference table

by:J&T     2021-02-05
In addition to the product type also need to know on the load conditions. Load including mechanics and thermodynamics of static load and dynamic load, and caused by corrosion, corrosion and abrasion of the load. Only according to the pump in various application fields have accumulated years of experience as a main criteria and evidence for the selection of material of pump.

the pump material reference table for selecting water pump provides reference materials. Which chemical resistance table for ( Most are metal) Economic factors for water pump material choice also plays an important role. Safety technical standards play a key role. Machinability, availability, and can buy sex when pump material choice, also is of great significance.

items within the water pump for pumping station, and some applications to select manufacturing material is an important part of professional and technical knowledge and what is the pump manufacturer's responsibilities, so different producers choose different pump materials,

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