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The causes of rotary-vane vacuum pump noise and solutions _

by:J&T     2020-07-09

1909 invention of the rotary vane vacuum pumps, and in 1936, invented the gas ballast water pump. In 1941, rotary vane vacuum pump is widely used and continuous improvement. In the late 1960 s, appeared on the international improve the speed and the trend of direct contact. In the early 1970 s, appear a series of direct products. In the early 1980 s, launched a series of improved products, and provides users with a variety of choices. Attachment can protect pump or protect the environment, and improve the structure of the pump itself, in order to improve reliability.

in the structure of the rotary-vane vacuum pump, to prevent the oil return when the pump stop, some Settings are automatically cut off oil check valve, valve and some inlet channel is set up, and some used to open the pump. When the town suddenly run, gas path automatically cut off, keep the pump inlet vacuum state, and provides the oil pump and control structure. In accessories, mist eliminator, odour filter, to prevent the population of debris filters, such as broken glass, dust filter, steam condensation water tank, chemical trap and control pump temperature, in order to improve the removal rate of water vapor and protect the pump. Water temperature control valve. In the late 1980 s and early 90 s, introduced a kind of oil filter, a way to monitor the oil temperature, oil pressure, oil and other electronic displays, even can connect the computer automatic control, the use of forced lubrication and cooling air pump inlet pressure for continuous work for 10 kPa is even higher, so the same pump application scope is bigger.

double rotary vane vacuum pump, can be widely used in refrigerator, air conditioner, light bulbs, fluorescent lamp, bottle lining and electronic, metallurgy, medicine, chemical industry, oil filter, printing machinery, packaging machinery and other industries, can be used as a diffusion pump, roots pump and molecular water pump used for the experiment and research support and applications, such as electronic instruments and medical instruments. Due to the direct coupling pump will not generate dust pollution by belt friction, because of its small volume, light weight, saving material, functional and widely used.

and the reason of noise reduction measures

rotary vane vacuum pump noise is usually refers to when the temperature stability, the pump under extreme vacuum measurement noise levels. It includes the noise from the pump itself and the noise of the machine. It also focus on startup phase noise, when the temperature of the pump is unstable, noise under different inlet pressure, and an open gas town noise during operation. So. There are many factors to consider.

in terms of the location of the sound, the noise of the vacuum water pump has the following possible aspects:

( 1) Rotary vane on the cylinder, the influence of the residual volume of the pump and exhaust the voice of the dead zone of pressure oil;

( 2) Exhaust valve threatening the seat and the impact of the support member;

( 3) Echo and the bubble burst in the box;

( 4) Bearing noise;

( 5) A large number of oil and gas oil shock guide plate caused by noise;

( 6) The other. Such as transmission caused by the noise, air cooling fan noise of pump, etc.

( 7) Motor noise, it is a key factor.

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