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Rotary vane vacuum pump used in the semiconductor etching process _

by:J&T     2020-07-10

in the semiconductor etching process is the purpose of the application of rotary vane vacuum pump to remove the light of the exposure and development to resist the exposed part of the lower material, micro design, namely, the light on the representation and the lower material to resist the same pattern. Etching is semiconductor manufacturing technology, microelectronics IC manufacturing process and micro-nano very important step in the manufacturing process. This is the main process graphics associated with lithography. In fact, the so-called is lithography etching etching is narrow understanding. First by lithography optical lithography exposure to resist, and then through the other methods for etching to remove to remove parts. With the development of the micro manufacturing process, from the broad sense, etch has become a solution, reactive ion or other mechanical means splitting and removing material generic term, and has become a generic term of micro machining.

the following description of Si3N4 etching process:

Si3N4 etching of semiconductor etching process:

etching in 903 e etching machine, the introduction of etching machine gas is: CF4, NF3, He. Fluorine radical role is to make the silicon nitride is corrosion, the product is a gas, it is rotary vane vacuum pump. In order to accelerate the corrosion rate, can add a small amount of oxygen (in CF4 5% - 8%) Because oxygen can inhibit the reaction chamber wall F * of losses, and: CF4 + O + O2 - F * * * + COF2 + CO + + COF package. 。 。 ( Ionization) 。 COF package * has long life, when it moves to the chip surface, the following reaction to speed up the corrosion rate: COF package * - F * CO ( Ionization) , but joined the oxygen corrosion performance to resist to reduce the selectivity.

etching is an important part of microfabrication technology, the rapid development of microelectronics technology promote the development of the micro machining technology. Usually, the etching technology can be divided into wet etching and dry etching. Initial etching mainly wet etching, but when the devices manufactured in micron and sub-micron era, wet etching. Etching is difficult to meet the accuracy requirement of increasingly high. The dry etching technology has made great progress. Dry etching usually through a combination of chemical and physical ways to remove etching film, so I have the anisotropic etching, which can radically improve the lateral undercut problems inherent in the wet. To meet the requirements of etching thin lines. There are many common etching method, rotary vane vacuum technology is one of them. Used in semiconductor etching process of rotary vane vacuum water pump has a fast speed, high selectivity, high anisotropy, etching damage small, large area uniformity, good good controllability, etching section contour smooth etched surface smooth etc. In recent years, Germany rotary vane vacuum pump has been widely used in silicon, silicon dioxide, III - V compound materials such as etching, etching and achieved good effect, can meet the requirements of production of very large scale integrated circuit. , MEMS, photoelectric device. Various microstructures equipment requirements.

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