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Pharmaceutical enterprises to choose the cause of the dry screw vacuum pump _

by:J&T     2020-07-16

in the modern pharmaceutical enterprise's competition, the success of equipment technology innovation will bring huge benefit for the enterprise. Therefore, in order to consolidate the market position, seize market opportunities, to grab more market share, many pharmaceutical equipment companies have started to carry out technological innovation in the equipment products.

to dry screw vacuum pump as an example, the dry screw vacuum water pump is mainly used in vacuum technology with high purity, high vacuum degree, can adapt to bad working conditions, and has the ability of extraction condensing and particles. Containing gas. Powerful equipment performance to make it apply to clean production and easy operation. Dry screw vacuum pump is widely used in biomedical, electronic, chemical, metal processing, food processing and other fields.

the dry screw vacuum pump technology innovation is not easy, because it is a high-tech pharmaceutical equipment. To realize the upgrade again, you need a strong r&d team and the enterprise strength. Support. Through the product upgrade and technology research and development, and constantly launch new products, dry screw vacuum pump is one of them, added a new bright spot for the company's own development.

in particular, dry screw vacuum pump is a kind of simple, elegant, reliable, efficient dry vacuum pump. It through a pair of relative rotating screw water pump housing continuous high-speed rotation, continuous suction and exhaust. Vacuum equipment are obtained. And because there is no metal friction, so need not grease. Also dry pump, the device can bring other devices - not have advantages No pollution on the process system.

in terms of technology innovation, we are actively to improve and upgrade the dry screw vacuum water pump, to comply with industry trends. Dry pump screw pump with high precision dynamic balancing structure. Without friction screw design can be realized without oil, high efficiency, low noise and smooth running, and can easily handle corrosive, organic or inorganic gases or solvents. This is undoubtedly a can meet the industry development trend and customer demand of equipment, pharmaceutical machinery industry advocates energy conservation, environmental protection and green development.

at present, the dry screw vacuum pump is also in constant development and progress. Although with Europe and the United States and other countries is still a gap, but with the increase of technical exchange and improvement of pharmaceutical enterprise innovation ability, the innovation of the dry screw vacuum pump pace is gradually accelerated. In order to bring the development of China's dry screw vacuum pump concrete results, we are committed to technology research and development and upgrade of dry screw vacuum pump, in order to help the healthy development of the vacuum pump industry in China.

in terms of the current pharmaceutical machinery industry, the degree of vicious competition has intensified. The innovation and the upgrading means it at a disadvantage in the competition with other companies. In the long run, pharmaceutical machinery enterprises will face elimination. However, many of the dry screw vacuum pump companies have realized the importance of innovation, and is seeking a breakthrough to try to gain more market share.

as members of the pharmaceutical machinery industry indispensable, need dry screw vacuum pump under the strong market innovation technology integration innovation. Pharmaceutical machinery, therefore, enterprises should adopt innovative weapons, improve the level of technology, develop and produce more to meet customer needs and industry development trend of vacuum pump products, for the healthy development of the vacuum pump industry inject more vitality.

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