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Ningbo pump factory sewage treatment plant project

by:J&T     2020-07-31
Recently, the author saw in the xuan tong village beach town three groups, the town cadres and local people are scouring meeting, the meeting is about the xuan beach town sewage treatment plant construction land expropriation mobilization. It is understood that the xuan beach town has completed a town life sewage treatment plant site selection planning, project preparation and the preparation, such as the proposed the county's largest township sewage treatment plant, after the completion of field can make the xuan beach town sewage collection rate above 80%. With the development of economy and the quickening pace of urbanization, increasing the xuan beach town industrial and living sewage, and the existing sewage treatment plant have been unable to meet the demand of the new sewage treatment, to some extent, affected the xuan beach town of water and soil environment. This year, approved by the county government, the xuan beach town planning to build a new modern wastewater treatment plant. The project planning and construction land area of 5000 square meters, the project will last for one year, after the completion of daily sewage capacity is expected to reach 5000 tons, mainly to solve the project companies near the industrial wastewater and nearby residents living sewage. The villagers song brain wave happily told me, & other For the people of the xuan beach town this year is a year of happiness, the Yangtze river water will introduce the xuan beach, solve the problem of people drinking water, sewage treatment plant construction will also solve the problem of environmental pollution, I heard that working outside relatives are very excited, ready to Spring Festival back to xuan beach & throughout; buy a new home? 。 It is understood that the project is a filter county people's government in 2014 key construction projects, xuan beach town is important basis of public facilities. Since the implementation of the project's success will be in further perfecting the urban functions, improve urban environment, improve the supporting infrastructure level, promote the xuan xuan beach town beach town of civilization play an important role in aspects of market.
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