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How to type vacuum pump -

by:J&T     2020-07-14

there are often customers model selection problem of vacuum pump to ask for and, in fact, using vacuum pump key based on the vacuum pump speed and extreme vacuum values of two indexes. Ultimate vacuum value by manufacturing process standards, it is not difficult to understand, but when used for vacuum pump vacuum working ability, often lack information, data and exhausted. Below the net weaving in detail some calculation for reference on the job.

gas should include: a vacuum pump pumping from the non-condensable gases released in the processing, cooling circulating water release of dissolved gas, the saturation vapor pressure of fluid mechanics during the whole process of dose, and from the machine equipment and pipeline connection is lax effect into the gas leakage. However, because the amount of no non-condensable gas release during the whole process is not big, can ignore, so the important is the final two paragraphs.

a, vacuum system leakage of dust content in any of the following four ways a multifaceted clear:

1, according to the total volume of the machinery and equipment and pipeline vacuum system;

2, on the basis of the vacuum system on an assembly line machinery and equipment and piping note; This method is more traditional, but individual results can be integrated into the gas leakage of water has a lot to the status of the ups and downs, is suitable for actual operation.

3, can also be based on the vacuum technology, pipeline and his joint director of the short note pads, per meter leak into the dust content of 0. 05 ~ 0. 7 [ kg/h] Double, then serve.

2, then choose some of the major parameters of standard vacuum pump:

1, the limit of the vacuum pump working pressure should consider the process of work pressure. Process was generally choose the limit pressure of the pump is less than about one order of magnitude.

2 work, each pump is pressure category, as a result, the working point of the pump should be elected within this category, and not to make it in long-term work outside the allowable working pressure.

3, vacuum pump under pressure from their work, should be able to drain out of vacuum technology in the whole process of all gas volume.

4, cause the vibration of the vacuum water pump work if have a harm to the technological process and the natural environment, if the whole technology process does not allow, should choose no vibration of the pump or shock to use.

5, the master is pumped gas composition, gas contains no condensable vapors, if there is any dust particles, corrosion, etc. Must understand the gas composition, when choosing a vacuum pump for pumping gas choose relatively pump. If with steam, particulate matter, and corrosion in gas, should consider to install auxiliary machinery and equipment in the inlet pipe of pump, such as cooler, dust removal equipment, etc.

6, when choosing a skeleton seal vacuum pump, to consider the vacuum pump out the oil vapor ( The kitchen lampblack) How the harm to natural environment. If the pollution of the environment is not permitted in the natural environment, should be elected oil-free vacuum pump, or the oil vapor into the outdoors.

7, select vacuum unit: when using a vacuum pump can not consider the provisions of the vacuum and vacuum water pump, must be several types of pump, fill the process was to consider each other.

the final net want to say, the German company times grams of liquid ring vacuum pump and the domestic water ring vacuum pump to choose which one is good, in fact only the most appropriate, if considering the cost, the domestic water ring vacuum pump some discount on the price, if economic development allows full consideration of machinery and equipment import and export trade and high quality customer matching, could offer more better quality for a long time of times grams of liquid ring vacuum water pump.

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