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How to do the high temperature oil pump overhaul standardization -

by:J&T     2020-07-15

do a good job in high temperature oil water pump repair work, will help to further improve the efficiency of equipment. Also have obvious to use cost savings. Heat pump is not easy to maintain, to professionals need to be maintained. Maintenance process mainly includes the disassembly, repair, and load, in the process of operation need to be aware of the details.

1。 Remove the

1) Remove the thrust bearing, dial gauge, measure and record the balance board clearance should be used.

2) Remove, can intuitively feel loose parts whether such abnormalities.

3) Remove the hot oil pump, it must be in accordance with the original assembly sequence tag parts, so as not to cause confusion when loading and dislocation.

4) Can be inconvenient mark little pieces with the same level of impeller or blades ( The middle section) Put together.

2。 Maintenance

1) Check the bearing situation are in good condition.

2) Measuring the key matches of tolerance is qualified.

3) All of the sealing ring and gasket replacement for the new.

4) Visual check the surface of each part is normal, and each with surface must be free of scratches, no corrosion, etc.

5) Impeller sealing ring, sealing ring of shells and blade sealing ring, interstage bushings, such as whether the gap between the tolerance range, wear is too big, need to change.

3。 Reload the

1) First installation of rotor dynamic balance test and shipment.

2) Reload in contrary to remove the pump order parts, should pay attention to when to reload each ring gap value, in order to ensure there are no errors.

3) Before installing the balance board should be measuring the total number of rotor. After installation of balance board, half of the rotor.

4) With manufacturers on the assembly drawing requirements, compared to the number of total size and half strings are should be the basic meet the requirements of the drawings. Usually, half the number of strings is about half the total number of string.

5) Tighten the bolt, pay attention to the point of view, and draw a dial indicator on the shaft. The axis of rotation is applied to balance disc. According to the drawings, tolerances shall not exceed 0. 6.

6) Installing a thrust bearing, please pay attention to adjust the gap of balance disc. In front of balance disc should be through the use of the bearing clearance adjustable ring to adjust to the drawing requirements.

the same heat water pump, efficiency is different in different people's hands, in addition, the equipment failure rate is different also, why would happen this kind of situation, in fact, the biggest reason is grasp on operating personnel in the use of details, high heat pump, whether used or maintenance, should be in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, please do not remove the equipment, affect the use.

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