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How the diaphragm metering pump selection and working principle

by:J&T     2021-01-18
Now design research and development more and more manufacturer of diaphragm metering pump, the main reason is the metering pump is widely application in the industrial environment, demands for ascension, natural production industry development to get ahead, if you want to in many different types of manufacturers, choose the more formal professional brand manufacturers, ensure the application advantages fully reflected, must pay attention to these details, targeted to choose the appropriate model, to determine the specific job requirements, will lead to better use experience. 1, understand the characteristics of the various brand Suggestions according to the actual situation to choose different brand specifications, only in this way can guarantee to achieve a better standard in the application process, comparing to determine various types brand, especially to consider the actual demand to conduct a comprehensive choice, naturally can determine exactly which brand manufacturers have the advantage of better, if you provide the specifications of a lot of more phyletic, brand advantage to get a better display function, on behalf of the brand is worth trusting nature, to buy all kinds of different types of products, can play a proper edge effect. 2, determine the work environment requirements according to the actual needs of the working environment of rational choice, from a practical perspective to conduct a comprehensive consideration, nature can determine the characteristics of various types, can also determine whether various models to meet the requirements of the corresponding environment, if there are several models conform to the requirements of the use at the same time, then according to its function in the judgement and price positioning, natural can be targeted to choose, use effect can be ensured to achieve a good standard, also can ensure get reasonable control on cost price. 3, although the metering pump is applied by the right way to have a more stable and reliable in the process of using functional, but also has the use effect of safer, but it doesn't mean don't need through the right way, application and maintenance, often do not need to maintenance and management, but also be used by the right way, so as to ensure the application function better, avoid in the process of using all kinds of unexpected circumstances, satisfy different working conditions using demands, if there are no problems of fault, will extend the service life, ensure get reasonable use cost control. If you want to determine whether the metering pump use function is very good, whether can be targeted conform to the requirements of the application environment, is a combination of different factors to conduct a comprehensive judgment, but also according to actual needs to choose suitable brand and model, so as to ensure that the application value and functional advantages fully reflected, in different business environment can solve the difficulties in a variety of employees working process, nature will make work efficiency, still can let the working process of the better security.

J&T water pump industry production of diaphragm metering pump principle characteristic is driven by motor through the turbine worm mechanical diaphragm metering pump, suitable for low pressure fluid measurement occasions.

diaphragm metering pump using flexible diaphragm replace piston, back and forth under the drive of drive mechanism have made the diaphragm reciprocating motion, change the pump cavity volume, in the import and export valve pump suction line under the action of the liquid.

diaphragm metering pump according to the needs of the various processes, flow rate at 0 - Within the scope of 100% stepless adjustment, quantitative transport corrosive medium not containing solid particles and non line corrosion liquid, the pump head is equipped with a variety of flow materials ( 产后大出血、聚四氟乙烯、PVC、PVDF、RPP SS304,316,316L) 。

the diaphragm metering pump can because the diaphragm between the flow of liquid and drive the lubrication mechanism is completely isolated, using high-tech structure design, and use of the latest model of PTFE and rubber composite membrane, corrosion resistance is strong, greatly improving the service life of the diaphragm.

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