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Do you know the single screw pump, double screw pump, and three screw pump selection skills?

by:J&T     2020-06-18
Screw pump is used widely, there are & other Screw pump can transport any medium & throughout; The claim. But this is not to say that a certain kind of screw pump can deliver all medium, but according to the requirements of the medium characteristic and the performance parameters of several different types of screw pump can be selected. If choose the inappropriate pump screw pump, is likely to lead to unnecessary trouble. Single screw pump, double, three and five screw pump, each have advantages, must have a choice in popularization and application of screw water pump, only take full advantage of the characteristics of their own, to better achieve energy saving, material saving and increasing benefits or satisfy some special requirements. The following introduction of the single screw pump selection points; 1. Single screw pump pressure to determine: single screw pump output pressure is based on liner series bushing ( The stator) The number of lead to determine: 1 level: the working pressure of 0. 6 MPa; Level 2: work pressure of 1. 2 MPa; Level 4: working pressure of 2. 4 MPa; Due to the transmission medium is different, for medium containing serious wear and tear ', according to the requirements of delivery pressure to select suitable stator series. 2. The choice of single screw pump speed: single screw pump because of its structure characteristics, most used in the transmission of high viscosity liquid and liquid containing particles, so the choice of the revolution is critical. The main basis for the selection of single screw pump speed medium wear and the medium viscosity. 3. Shaft seal: according to the need and transmission medium, can adopt mechanical seals and packing seal, and these two kinds of structure are interchangeable. 4. Single screw pump bushing rubber material choice: single screw pump bushing for rubber products, is also a vulnerable parts of the single screw pump, the choice of it good or bad, directly affect the service life of bushing, the normal life of the lining sleeve for the cases for 3 - 6 months, if choose undeserved, bushings may be falling off or rubber from the steel pipe. 5. Material portfolio selection: different medium, different material combinations. 6. drive mode: because of the single screw pump for low speed pumps, pump drive mode is more, generally have low speed motor straight league ( 6, 8) , driven gear reduction motor, stepless variable speed motor drive, etc. 7. Performance: the general performance of the single screw water pump table or characteristic curve are in 20 ℃ water as medium, Viscosity is 1 CST) When data for conveying flow under different viscosity and shaft power is different.
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