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Different requirements for vacuum pump selection method _

by:J&T     2020-05-25

vacuum pump from the gas molecules are in addition to the effect of vacuum chamber of pumping air into vacuum state, in order to reduce it is gas pressure of vacuum chamber, in order to achieve the required degree of vacuum. Broadly from high vacuum atmosphere with large range, so far no one vacuum pump can cover the scope.

as a result, in order to achieve the process indexes of different products, and working efficiency of the working life of the equipment requirements, different vacuum part need to choose different configuration of vacuum pump.

in order to get the best configuration, chose the vacuum system, vacuum pump selection should consider the following:

1, the final vacuum pump pressure should meet the operating pressure process. Usually choose the pump pressure is lower than the limit process need about one order of magnitude.

2, within the scope of each water pump has a certain work pressure, as a result, the working point of the pump should be within the scope of the choice, but it can't get it work allows foreign minister time by working pressure.

3, in the work pressure of the vacuum pump, should be able to come in the total gas produced in the process of vacuum equipment.

4, select the vacuum unit:

( 1) When one can not meet the requirement of the discharge pump and vacuum, it requires multiple pump combination, complement each other in order to meet the process requirements.

( 2) Some of the vacuum pump can't work under atmospheric pressure, vacuum in advance; Some pump outlet pressure below atmospheric pressure, water pump before the pump need to use a combination of ancient capital. By combining use of vacuum pump, we call it a vacuum pump unit, it will have good vacuum and vacuum system displacement. Vacuum pump, we should choose the right mix of vacuum pump, because of different gases on pumping require different requirements, such as: general roots - Do not apply to the rotating blade machine system contains more condensate gas.

5, when you select a pump seal, you should first find out if the oil vacuum system requirements. If there is no strict requirements of oil equipment, should choose a variety of oil pump, such as water ring pump, the pump at low temperature. If is not strict, you can choose to have the oil pump, has a certain oil pollution prevention measures, such as a cold trap, gear oil Wells, damper etc. , at the same time also realizes clean vacuum requirements.

6, used for pumping the gas composition, containing free condensing steam and dust particles or does not exist, corrosive gases exist or not exist. When selecting a vacuum pump, the gas composition content need to know, is used to select the corresponding pumping gas. If gas contains water vapour, particles and corrosive gas, consideration should be given on the path of the installation of auxiliary equipment of air inlet pipe of pump, such as condenser, dust, etc.

7, choosing a sealed vacuum pump, vacuum pump is considered from the oil vapor ( Smoke) How to impact on the environment. If you don't allow pollution environment, you should choose oil-free vacuum pump, or outside the oil vapour.

8, when the working process and the impact on the environment, if the process does not allow the water pump should be no vibration or vacuum pump vibration antivibration measures.

9, the price, the cost of the operation and maintenance of vacuum pump.

after considering the situations, to finally determine a suitable for your solution:

( 1) The smallest investment costs.

( 2) The smallest production operation cost.

( 3) The first two reasonable feasible scheme of uniform distribution.

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