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Daily maintenance of long shaft submerged pump

by:J&T     2020-07-29
For yourself and loved ones around will protect well and often fatal, to the other party pay more attention to the body, the body is the capital of the revolution. In fact, I used items and machinery, too, also need to get people's attention and protection. Like long shaft submerged pump, if not often maintenance, failure will occur and will affect the work efficiency. Long axis in the daily maintenance of submerged pump, with or without fault will check carefully whether the water pump anomaly. First take a look at each instrument had put pressure, flow, temperature, current, voltage is normal, the water pump parts have any deformation, color change, change, and leaks, presence of infarction, etc. Then there is the smell has peculiar smell, liquid hydrocarbon, such as gasoline, benzene leaked the smelling, painting equipment, such as rubber insulation sear paste, taste, etc. ; Then listen to the voice of local rolling, and presence of abnormal sound; The last touch with and without overheating, vibration, etc. Only in this way can the comprehensive inspection, the daily work, early detection of abnormal phenomenon, nip in the bud. To long shaft submerged pump can normal operation for a long time, increase service life, is to do a good job of daily inspection and protection, and check regularly. If you have any abnormal mechanical didn't check out, will affect the work, bring unnecessary trouble, so daily check can not be ignored. This article from: ningbo water pump manufacturer 【 J&T pump 】
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