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Boiler multistage pump overheating, speed disorders, such as insufficient flow failure analysis

by:J&T     2020-07-27
Boiler multistage water pump in the operation of the system, the system can adopt the method of maintenance to prevent, at the same time in the event of a system failure, to analyze the boiler equipment failure and exclusion, the main failure often occurs in the shelter system, speed control system, the lubricating oil system, auxiliary motor overheating in the system, characterized by overheating, speed disturbance, and inadequate traffic

1) Boiler multistage pump pipe network system fault, it is in the water supply system will appear in the process of design. Pipeline network system in the event of failure, multistage pump inlet pipe may be the rise of water level, this is the vacuum leak phenomenon caused tube was damaged, can't normal suction pump, through to the water stop valve to adjust and control, the regulation of the manual and automatic control valve, can produce certain effect, but because of the soft water tank water level is too low, the thermal oxygen tank occurred the phenomenon of water shortage and led to the pipeline network system malfunctioned, makes the feed water pump can not run normally.

       ( 2) In boiler multistage pump can occur at run time and the problem of the water seal failure. After to adjust pressure, technicians generally relies on experience analysis may be pressure is too high, but there are still sealed water from bearing from breathing hole, suggesting that it is not just a matter of pressure, there are other problems. After repeated experiments, the technical personnel is also found that the pressure test, water test, seal water system pressure is not stable, not only oil level in the coupler has changed too. In also appeared in the oil into the water, although can through the external vacuum filter oil machine filtering dehydration operation, constantly hand pressure and oil level, but this kind of balance method is not a long-term solution.

       ( 3) Boiler multistage pump motor overheating fault, generally occur in the process of boiler operation, the voltage is high or low, at this time of voltage instability brought not and stable operation of the boiler equipment, ventilation system or malfunctioned units. Motor overheating is one representation. When the motor overheating, insulation experience was burn out, the rotor broken bar. The motor of the voltage of power supply system failure, according to the practical experience, can be gradually trying to identify the power supply system of the motor, completes the maintenance work of lubrication. Analysis system fault, the fan, ventilation channel, bearing wear and so on to check, guarantee the normal work of the fan can, bearing can be moved to normal vent channel unblocked.

       ( 4) Boiler multistage pump pump body overheating fault, boiler equipment in the process of running the mutual friction of the bearings, the phenomenon of lack of oil lubrication system and a pump body overheating fault, want to check whether there is inferior oil lubrication system, check the rotation of the bearing is normal, rolling test for bearing clearance, and carefully check to discover the cause of the feed water pump of pump body fever, such as different heart pump shaft, impeller balance problems occurred.

       ( 5) Boiler multistage add water pump vibration fault of the system, and add water pump vibration phenomenon influence the operation of the equipment vibration system failure leads to the overall system security problem, affect the operation of the unit. When the boiler equipment vibration, to examine the solid base for bolts, analyze the operation situation, to ensure that the fixed base of bolt is stable, bearing is normal operation, on the base of the fixed bolt and bearing of illness, if two are normal, but vibration system fault is still there, check the pump shaft and motor rotor shaft rod deformation condition, whether the survey has a rotor shaft is not stable, vibration fault generally must first stop check, make sure the temperature cross change does not restart after primary.

       ( 6) Boiler multistage pump failure, such as water shortage in boiler, caused the pump not bibulous, occurrence is characterized by the severe beating phenomenon occurring in a pressure gauge pointer, pump blocked, water flow is insufficient, the resistance of the suction pipe is larger, part of the suction air leakage, abnormal sound, the motor current is too large, lead to increase water supply, motor bearing damage, caused by water multistage pump failure, serious leaking pump shaft.

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