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Explosion-proof vortex pump - J&T company

by:J&T     2020-03-30
Explosion-proof fan industry and market in our country actual situation, explosion-proof vortex pump is designed and developed, such as coal, petroleum, chemical industry provides a more advanced, safer and more reliable a new generation of power equipment. The explosion protection standard fan YB2 series 3 burst apart asynchronous motor has the following main advantages: explosion-proof vortex pump. 1. Explosion-proof performance in line with the new standards: explosion-proof performance can meet the demands of electrical equipment part 1 explosive gas environment generally and part 2 explosive gas environment electrical equipment fire and IEC 60079 - d type requirements 1 and European standard. Permeable explosion-proof blower. High anti-explosion, reliable operation, extreme IP 55 for the protection of motor, shaft through the position with v-shaped shaft sealing ring, junction box adopts circular locking and sealing ring, improve the machining precision of the main components, stand adopts parallel vertical fin structure, mechanical and electrical design measures such as increase the cooling area, and I improved in terms of dustproof, waterproof, electrode, the motor running more reliable. A: summary of fluorine plastic magnetic water pump next article: stainless steel submerged water pump use occasion
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