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Water ring vacuum pump shaft seal leak detection method

by:J&T     2020-07-04

water ring vacuum pump is suitable for the high negative pressure in the mine are also suitable for many projects. Water ring vacuum pump shaft seal in use process is very important, we often say that the leakage is from here. The following method is to teach you how to detect the leakage of the shaft sealing device is.

1, vacuum damage the door closed, no leakage.

2, condenser steam side gate closed, no leakage.

3, check the vacuum system if water level gauge whether rupture, leakage.

4, check whether low pressure cylinder exhaust outlet is complete, the presence of suction.

5, check the water ring vacuum pump suction and the conditions of low pressure heater water level is normal, drainage whether the door is shut.

6, vacuum system, the water seal of valves, pipes, flanges or welding joint is not strict, especially from the expansion tank or boiler start-up separator to the condenser pipe and valve port.

7, check whether the ( Vacuum extraction pipe connected to the cylinder) If air leakage. When the lower load, vacuum fell, the load increase, vacuum rose slightly.

8, check whether speed feed water pump whether gravity water for condenser. If the return water volume small, water seal bag can't seal. The gravity of the vacuum water pump seal water backwater should pour into the ditch.

use water ring vacuum water pump needs a series of preventive maintenance, especially the shaft seal. Check the shaft seal is also important. Only don't leak, equipment can run normally, but not to delay schedule.

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