Water ring vacuum pump scale _ how to solve
if the water ring vacuum pump, serious pollution may be stuck and cannot be used. If it is serious, will seriously affect the production schedule.
in view of the scaling problem water ring vacuum pumps, we should understand the causes of fouling and take preventive measures.
a, water ring vacuum pump causes of fouling in
as the beginning of the scale and water ring vacuum pump, vacuum pump of internal heat transfer environment destroyed gradually, heat exchange frequency will be more and more low, scale and speed will be faster and faster. The cause of the size is roughly as follows:
( 1) Thermal decomposition: of circulating water hardness after entering the vacuum pump, the pump body to form water ring type, with the rotation of the pump to generate heat, bicarbonate gradually break down, the dissolved in water and sediment deposited almost insoluble in water. Shrinking.
( 2) Solubility decrease: CA - SO4, CASIO3, CACO3 and other salt dissolve the negative temperature coefficient with the increase of circulating water temperature and lower solubility, so precipitate out form scale.
( 3) Interactions: the loop during the running of the water solubility of salt by the vacuum pump and other salt physical reaction to form scale, form the difficult soluble substances.
( 4) Evaporation and concentration. Continuous work due to the circulating water heating, thus inevitably produce evaporation and concentration, so the water dissolved salt concentration increasing, when its saturated, precipitate out to form scale.
2. The size of the water ring vacuum pump analysisunder the condition of the vacuum pump operation, produce scale including salt scale and dirt, and change its form according to the water. Dirt the biggest harm is that water and broken, the flow resistance increases, affect the normal water supply, lower in thermal efficiency, the temperature rising, accelerating salt formation rate. Sometimes it may even cause corrosion under the scale. When dirt serious deposition, vacuum water pump will be abnormal, efficiency down or stop the impeller. The source of the soil varies from place to place. In practice, it is necessary to carefully analyze whether there are waste water inflows. Whether have sediment, dirt, mucus or other causes of water pollution.
3, the measure of scaling prevention water ring vacuum pump
the above analysis shows that the water quality and working temperature exceeds a certain index of circulating water is vacuum pump of the main causes of fouling. Water quality index, especially the water hardness, impact is the largest. So we must as far as possible to reduce the hardness of water and control the working temperature of circulating water and to solve the scaling of vacuum pump problem. Therefore, during the running of the circulating cooling water, testing and return water temperature and water back every pump, in order to ensure that each pump does not exceed the normal water supply and return water temperature of 40 ℃. Water can be through the valve control. If the return water temperature in excess of the prescribed temperature, low temperature cold water replenishment is needed, or use other cooling temperature to reduce the softening demineralized water in the pool. Second, water ring vacuum pump discharge valve not only can use the pump body of water pressure in the process of running regularly wash dirt and water in the pump, can also prevent dirt. On the other hand, can prevent slag into scale accumulation.
water ring vacuum pump power generation mechanism of fouling problem is relatively complex. Correct analysis of water quality index is the key to finding the right preventive measures. In addition to the water temperature control box washer pump on a regular basis, the water treatment is to prevent the scaling of the most important parts of the pump.
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