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Water pump industry, the favorable factors affecting the development of the water pump industry

by:J&T     2021-02-04

pump industry development

the favorable factors affecting the development of the water pump industry ( 1) China's macroeconomic growth in recent years, China's economy has been present steady and rapid growth. According to figures released by the National Bureau of Statistics, China's GDP growth reached 8. 7%, GDP reached 33. 5353 trillion yuan. The quarter, growth in the first quarter of 2009 6. Growth in the second quarter of 2%, 7. 9, 9% in the third quarter growth. 1%, 10 in the fourth quarter growth. 7%. As the global financial crisis gradually eliminate, in can be expected in the future, China will continue to maintain steady and rapid economic growth. National economic and social development, the enterprise investment will increase and the increase of residents' disposable income will be further promoted to major general machinery, including stainless steel vertical multistage pump, product demand. ( 2) The national industrial policy support, A national revitalization of equipment manufacturing industry policy opportunities water pump as an important equipment in the equipment manufacturing industry, also benefited from the country to encourage and support the policy of the development of the equipment manufacturing industry. In June 2006 the State Council promulgated the several opinions about accelerate the development of the equipment manufacturing industry, the National Development and Reform Commission, the state administration of taxation, and various provinces and cities and issued a series of preferential tax, countries to support and encourage the use of domestic equipment supporting policies, such as the key support, 16 key areas for the development of equipment manufacturing industry, in which there are 7 items associated with pump industry: clean power generation equipment, ethylene project, for domestic large chemical equipment, complete sets of equipment for large thin plate hot/cold tandem rolling, large complete sets of equipment for cold and hot tandem rolling and coating plate coating processing complete sets of equipment, large-scale underground coal integrated mining, lifting and washing equipment, large offshore oil engineering equipment, 300000 tons of ore and crude oil tanker, floating fpso. The seven key field of the equipment manufacturing industry will use large quantities of pump products, to pump industry enterprise to bring the huge potential market. On February 4, 2009, the State Council by the equipment manufacturing industry revitalization planning, on May 12, 2009, General Office of the State Council issued 'the implementing rules for the equipment manufacturing industry adjustment and revitalization of planning, put forward the principle for the development of the equipment manufacturing industry planning: adhere to the development of the whole machine combined with improve the level of basic form a complete set. Efforts to achieve major technical equipment manufacture, driving the development of foundation supporting products. Improve the level of basic pieces of technology, development of special raw materials, reverse based products mainly rely on import. Guide professional manufacturing enterprise to & other parts; Specialized, refined, special & throughout; Direction and form a pattern of complementary advantages, coordinated development of industry. B, for water pump industry energy conservation and emissions reduction and low carbon economy in December 2004, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) to develop the long-term energy saving special planning, points out that the energy-consuming equipment of fan and pump efficiency of 75% on average, were 5% lower than the advanced level, low system efficiency of nearly 20%, this special planning clearly put forward to in the construction industry, coal, electric power, electrical system and other industries to implement energy saving fan, pump, compressor. In April 2007, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the 'energy development & other; 11th five-year plan & throughout; Planning ', defined by 2010 energy-saving strategic objectives of the unit GDP energy consumption reduced by 20%. Energy conservation and emissions reduction is an important part of the '11th five-year' plan, based on October 22, 2007: the Chinese high-tech industries herald reported & other; In the next five years, orders will have 30% of the world's energy conservation and emissions reduction equipment from China, the Chinese market scale will reach $300 billion. In the process of energy conservation and emissions reduction measures, China will be a large number of purchasing energy conservation and environmental protection technology and equipment, which will introduce a large number of foreign advanced technology and equipment, only one building energy efficiency, China has more than $2000 of investment potential. At present, China's building energy consumption accounts for the proportion of the total energy consumption has risen from 10% in the 1970 s to 27. 8%. ” China has become the most potential of energy conservation and emissions reduction markets around the world. On April 1, 2008, the National People's Congress standing committee revised the energy conservation law of the People's Republic of China began to implement, make clear a regulation & other; State shall practise a system of target responsibility system and evaluation of energy conservation, the energy-saving target completion as head of the local people's governments and their evaluation content & throughout; , the country further increased the push for energy conservation and environmental protection industry. In January 2009, the National Development and Reform Commission held an emergency meeting, deploy the implementation of the new central government investment of $100 billion. To further expand domestic demand and promote steady and rapid economic growth. Increased by 100 billion yuan the central investment will be mainly used for safeguarding the livelihood of the people, rural areas and public infrastructure such as transportation and energy conservation and emissions reduction and ecological construction, of which 12 billion yuan is used to speed up the energy conservation and emissions reduction and ecological construction projects. C, the water pump industry demands for environmental protection and health standard to improve according to the State Council on strengthening the urban water supply water saving and water pollution prevention and control work notice ( The country is sent [ 2000] No. 36) To do a good job in urban water supply, water saving and water pollution prevention and control work, adhere to the open source and throttling, throttling priority, the pollution for this, science, open source, the principle of comprehensive utilization of urban construction and economic development to provide a safe and reliable water supply security and good water environment, to the sustainable utilization of water resources, support and guarantee for the sustainable development of urban economy and society. ( 3) The stainless steel centrifugal water pump, a pump industry of new products, as well as comprehensive stainless steel stamping centrifugal pump industry segment welding using new materials and new technology, new technology to transform traditional industries new technology in the typical application of the pump industry, represents the future development direction of pump industry manufacture.
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