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How can I contact J&T INDUSTRY?
Telephone, email and social media such as Facebook are all available. Please feel free to contact J&T INDUSTRY CO.,LTD. if there are any problems. Our customer service team is happy to help with any queries or problems you may have. The "Contact Us" page provides multiple methods to reach us, depending on your language preference and subject matter needs.

J&T INDUSTRY produces the high quality vertical multistage pump till now. J&T INDUSTRY focuses on providing a variety of aquarium submersible pump for customers. While producing J&T horizontal water pump, every manufacturing machine is strictly checked before starting. Compared to other traditional pumps, it features less vibration. A quality management system guarantees the quality of this product. Adopting ergonomics, this product is safe and convenient for use.

The vibration water pump of J&T INDUSTRY represents our strong production capacity. Please contact us!
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