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Great god tell you vacuum pump automatic tripping _ and start the problem-solving method

by:J&T     2020-07-03

there are often customer response: the vacuum pump in the running process often appear the problem of automatic trip, in this case how to deal with? Screw vacuum water pump to start the difficult way to six reasons and exclude you know?

vacuum pump tripping reason mainly has the following

1. The motor load. Vacuum pump motor load current is too high at this time, such as more than one set of current electric control, vacuum pump will be tripped, brake, at this time for the vacuum pump in the normal phenomenon, to solve the tripping phenomenon can jump high current protection cap.

2。 Vacuum pump stopped for a long time, if the downtime is too long can lead to a temporary high current, motor load at this time closed heating vacuum pump inlet port operation make the pump body.

3。 Vacuum pump motor on the two phase power, not to start the three-phase power supply, can be connected to a vacuum pump three-phase power supply, if the trip again ten hours also, brake, etc. , or adjust the current limit.

4。 Vacuum pump outlet suction foreign body or impurities, motor load, can tear open vacuum pump check whether there is internal fault, etc.

great god tell you screw vacuum pump start-up difficult 6 big reason and elimination method

1, screw vacuum pump is not filled with medium within before the start of the pump or pump for a long time did not start the work.

elimination method: screw vacuum pump suction interior filled with dielectric, and turn the pump shaft.

2, screw vacuum pump within the medium solidification

elimination method: heating screw vacuum pump, reduce the viscosity of medium.

3, rubber stator and rotor of the screw vacuum pump too much interference

elimination method: change the screw vacuum pump appropriate parts can be made.

4, screw vacuum pump shaft packing too tight

elimination method: gland elastic adjustment screw vacuum pump.

5 input voltage is too low, screw vacuum pump

exclusion methods: normal voltage adjustment screw vacuum pump after the start.

6 start torque is too large, screw vacuum pump

elimination method: check and adjust the screw vacuum pump outlet valve or turn the pump shaft by hand and tools to increase or power source of power. The above points you get?

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The only cardinal rule with adding animation is to keep high-quality on water pump.
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