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Analysis on the Development Status of Water Pumps in my country

by:J&T     2021-02-21
Analysis of the current situation of the development of water pumps in my country. The economic downturn has had a huge impact on the foundry industry around the world. However, the exception is that the stainless steel water pump casting market of water pump manufacturers in Asia is still maintaining steady growth, especially the development of the pump valve casting market in my country. Continue to maintain strong growth momentum. It is reported that my country's stainless steel water water pump casting market will be 10% larger than the US market, and four times the size of the Japanese market. my country's casting market is huge, and the foundry industry wants to be strong. Sharing this huge cake is inseparable from the improvement of the level of mechanization, improving the production level of my country's machinery, breaking the international monopoly on technology, developing its own core technology, and infiltrating international standards In every aspect of the factory. my country is a big country in stainless steel water pump die-casting castings, but the level of production technology and industry equipment needs to be improved. The 12th Five-Year Plan clearly points out that the main task for the development of the foundry industry is to give priority to the development of major technical equipment, including the'large tonnage die-casting machine casting unit 'The goal is to provide equipment support for the technology upgrade of die casting enterprises. The development of stainless steel water pump die-casting technology and equipment will help improve the level of die-casting machinery and equipment, thereby improving the quality and technical level of castings and promoting the development of the casting industry. The government has successively introduced a series of policies to vigorously support the development of the domestic die-casting and foundry industries. For example, the government can simplify procedures, reduce links, and implement smooth services for the administrative approval of new die-casting projects; for die-casting enterprises that comply with the development of industrial policies , Especially in the areas of circular economy, safe production, environmentally friendly and clean production and energy conservation, the government provides tax reduction and exemption incentives to reduce the burden on enterprises, and promote the development of stainless steel water pump enterprises; in addition, the government provides financial institutions within its jurisdiction Carry out macro-control, encourage and support the financing and loans of local die casting and foundry enterprises.   In addition to the support of the state, foundry companies must also see the urgency of the market, from service, quality, technology, to brand, to achieve the transformation from quantitative change to qualitative change, stainless steel pumps can obtain greater living space. Water pump factory, water pump factoryu003c/pu003e
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