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Actual rotary-vane vacuum pump energy saving countermeasures -

by:J&T     2020-07-14

all kinds of rotary-vane vacuum pump are required in the application process of traffic model choice between lift huge difference between the main design parameters, such as application low lift and the lift, the higher the more likely they were to lead to the ascension of power output power, or rotary vane vacuum pump in the model when the choice is selected for its water rush hour traffic, and came to the water resources issue if we do not take effective dc frequency countermeasures will wear away a lot of electromagnetic energy. Practical energy-saving measures have the following categories of rotary-vane vacuum water pump for everyone reference.

1。 Impeller cutting

sewage treatment plant in the design plan of the rotary vane vacuum pumps rating head due to conditions have some change, do not agree with specific head is usually in the power plant. Rotary-vane vacuum pump impeller cutting is conditionality of rotary-vane vacuum pump type, type specifications with the diversity of the power supply target rules in the middle of the differences of a way to choose. It makes rotary-vane vacuum pump use category expansion, according to the cutting impeller to adjust the work characteristics of rotary vane vacuum pump, the effective section to make it work.

for rotary vane vacuum pump head rating and the specific operation head difference, with cutting wheel diameter, reduce work to reduce lift and traffic to that of the specific head, change the midpoint rotary-vane vacuum pump design work, is to improve rotary vane vacuum pump operation efficiency of a reasonable method.

2。 Rotary-vane vacuum pump variable speed

in order to ensure the rotary-vane vacuum pump operating in high efficient area is one of the countermeasures to ensure the rotary-vane vacuum pump energy saving, blend in the working conditions of different point, change the rotary-vane vacuum pump characteristic curve, except the impeller cutting, speed is also a common way.

3。 Reduce the rotary-vane vacuum pump itself mechanical equipment damage

, such as the water pump seal and rolling bearing friction damage and note people used soft sealing gasket, pay attention to reduce the rotary-vane vacuum pump drive system damage. In addition executives of economic development of scientific research production scheduling, pool before the water level of ascension. Pay attention to the balance of water flow and water flow at peak, immediately to the fire pump room generating units to carry out the comprehensive analysis of reasonable configuration, make the rotary-vane vacuum pump are generating set in the best working condition point of operation.

4。 To reduce the surface roughness of rotary-vane vacuum pump over-current components. Reduce friction damage water

the impeller and pump body surface grinding and polishing and antirust processing, can promote rotary vane vacuum pump selection of high efficiency, energy saving 1%, if use smooth coating is energy-saving effect will be more significant, achieve 5%.

from the above several energy saving measures the actual execution effect more, except to adjust the rational flow of traffic and head, cutting wheel, work ShiGuangJie coating with low cost, high efficiency to appreciate most.

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